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- This is the group who helps you through your long-term goals, lessons, challenges and collaborations- being quite social with you or at least easily accessible through choice or circumstance like friends/classmates often are.
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Anyone who fulfills your HUMOR position is delightful, humorous or amusing to be with, helping you not to take things so seriously and lighten up. They help you resolve paradoxes and challenges with LAUGHTER.
Things aren't as tough or painful as they might seem, and life might even feel absurdly funny and ridiculous when this position comes around.

And if you really let this humor take effect, it truly helps you LAUGH AT YOURSELF.
Comedians often play this role, as well as overly "serious" people whom you find ludicrous in their ways.


Anyone who fulfills your DISCIPLINE position reminds you of your conscious decision-making, and helps you

to see the impact and end results of your choices.
They do not ride you or force you to fulfill plans- they simply create scenarios that push your buttons, push you into discomfort, limit your focus & make you think twice before acting.

So those playing this can be intensely ignored for being so agitating: where you feel you must keep your mouth shut, try not to fly off the handle & rise above their annoyances. Or they can be a source of structure that helps you make a plan, stay on track and check your accountability and responsibility.

In the end, they help you FOCUS THROUGH any distractions and procrastination, showing you the road and keeping you "awake"- so that you can override whatever feelings, limitations or patterns normally control you & remember you're free+able to choose what's important in any moment.

Anyone who fulfills your ANCHOR position is someone you know COULD always be turned to for rest, relaxation, support and rejuvenation whenever and wherever, for most anything, if you really had to.

You know where they are and how to contact them, regardless of any challenges to that in space or time- because they've been with you the longest and are always there no matter what.
This position reminds you of a sense of stability existing in the midst of life- being an oasis of retreat. 

You fill the POWER position here- empowered by and holding control over using this group of support as needed.
Humor helps you to LAUGH WITH YOURSELF- Discipline helps you to CONTROL YOURSELF and 

Anchor helps you to BE PRESENT WITH YOURSELF.

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