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SPIRITUAL SUPPORT- This is the group that impacts your more spiritual or abstract lessons, rather than your day-to-day material ones; being sources of service, healing, counseling, teaching etc.

More than any other Support Quadrant, anyone or anything can play & exemplify these positions for you- be that source physical or non-physical.
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That which fulfills your HEALER position is any person, spirit or experience that helps REPAIR, MEND and HEAL your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual PAINS, AILMENTS and DISEASES; either through their literal actions or simple presence- and whether that healing be needed for the short-term or long-term.
For instance, the dream state is often used to access your more unconscious, metaphysical healers who help you process and
assimilate life.

Whatever fulfills this, they bring order to your chaos- helping you experience, comprehend, see, feel, or even hear the beauty in healing any part of your life.
That which fulfills your ENLIGHTENMENT position is any person, teaching, theme or experience that offers a broader PHILOSOPHICAL STRUCTURE to your current belief system/perspective on life, and helps you to understand & make sense of things.
This is often a teacher or organization that provides you with a framework to interpret, navigate and build upon in the context of your life's bigger picture or "path".

That which fulfills your MUSE position embodies and represents those QUALITIES you personally strive for deep down and measure your life to/against.
This is where you see your purest aspirations in life, but it's also the least tangible/nameable position because it's never played by a person, only REPRESENTED by them. It's usually described by a word or phrase that inspires you the most in your life, and then is given a form by someone you come to know.

Historical figures, musical or theatrical entertainers and celebrities often represent/embody a muse for masses of people. Some examples might be someone who represents your aspiration for sexual freedom, absolute creativity, humanitarianism, transformation or an unconditional love of your family.

You fill the POWER position here- empowered by and holding control over using this group of support as needed.
Healer inherently helps you to LIVE MORE- Enlightenment inherently helps you to SEE MORE- and Muse inherently helps you to BE MORE.

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