INTIMATE SUPPORT- This is the group of support that we always have daily & direct access to, no matter what. We will always find those who fulfill these roles or attract conditions for others to naturally fulfill them.
Those who do not realize or block this support often feel dreadfully alone, and will slowly die due to how this Quadrant constantly exchanges energy to keep us all alive and thriving.
Anyone who fulfills your LOVE position unconditionally accepts everything about you and loves you completely for WHO YOU ARE: no matter what may come and go.
You do not always love, accept or even want those in this position, but they love you unconditionally anyway because they see your innocence even in the worst of times. They aren't invested in your being a better person, nor do they see your past as defining your present.
They can bring the greatest sense of peace, gratitude and meaning to you when embraced.
But you can easily dismiss those playing this position if you feel you didn't get to choose them- or they seem superficial and inconvenient, not representing what/who you feel love should be, look and feel like.
Anyone who fulfills your KNOWLEDGE position is your best adviser.
They offer FEEDBACK, advice, counsel and resources when you need them to- and can help shape your paths, plans and decisions with their insightful opinions, guidance and know-how.
Knowledge knows what you're going through, and your life makes sense to them- they GET YOU even if you refuse that they could ever understand. When you reject this position it often shows as moving through life aimlessly or in a self-absorbed or self-pitying way, unable to create meaning from your life experiences.
Anyone who fulfills your COMPASSION position deeply CARES ABOUT YOU but refuses to support your fears, is willing to see past those in you, and will often push you to the limits of who you can be in life. They see things from your side, but offer up an honest, objective & truthful viewpoint about you in any situation.
This position sees you NEUTRALLY and HOLISTICALLY; meaning that they're always present on stand-by for when you most need to seek out or ask for them. But they will never impose themselves on you, and they are not threatened by anything they feel you need to know, do or be.
If you have been bogged down by distractions+defeat, they will help you move through these.
When this position is rejected, you simply think you know best and can take care of life on your own- so even if help is given or you deeply crave it, you refuse any intervention or don't trust it when it's offered.
You fill the POWER position here- empowered by and holding control over using this group of support as needed.
Ultimately, Love will help you see how you RELATE- Knowledge will help you see how you UNDERSTAND- and Compassion will help you see how you INTEGRATE.
The fulfillment of the 3rd Passage of Independence will often help you to clearly see who fulfills these positions for you- as this is when you move beyond navigating through the default support circle your caretakers brought, to create your own sources of support & resources for self-sufficiency.
And the Ego Fears you develop will give clues as to which positions of Intimate Support you tend to reject most.
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Arrogance & Self-Deprecation can tend to ignore, block or reject LOVE the most, due to qualities you feel are unlovable about you/them, and distortions that wear away the meaning of love.
Self-Destruction & Greed can tend to ignore, block or reject KNOWLEDGE the most, due to confusions/certainties about knowing why you're doing what you are, or why you're feeling the way you do.
Martyrdom & Impatience can tend to ignore, block or reject your own POWER the most, due to issues of control with and responsibility over how everyone is acting/reacting.
Stubbornness can tend to ignore, block or reject COMPASSION the most, due to how this position's help seems to challenge your trust in habits and look past your fears against your will.