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Your Higher Moving Center is your awareness of Beauty, Energy and Higher Patterns.

Many access Beauty biologically through moments of Broad Laughter and Smiles, both inside and out- where one can view life through the eyes of humor, lighten up and not take everything so seriously. So instead, we choose to treat our self, life and others seriously, focusing on their true/unconditional value.

​This is the most accessed "Higher State" in daily life because it helps one feel at one with the world. It engages when we see/experience something beautiful- or when we deeply resonate with someone.


Energy is synonymous with Beauty here. As Energy is the vitality within everything that allows for all systems to work & directs the parts of any whole into beautiful motion/evolution- such as what we see happens in our bodies, economic infrastructures and pretty much everything else in the universe.

Anything that has consciousness, feels their form in relation to others & moves in unison with a sense of harmony, resonance and intimacy has a higher movement- but anything that reproduces new life through procreation or creativity has a well-developed use of this energy.

The -Pole here would be Desire, while the +Pole is simply Pure Beauty/Energy.
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When your Moving, Emotional & Intellectual Centers are in negative health, the Higher Moving cannot understand patterns, and defaults to CHAOS.

Chaos only sees random & disconnected scenarios of miracles/misfortunes in life. It does not understand your or anyone else's part in anything- so nothing makes sense to you here because you're frustrated by, sentimental about and constantly reasoning the events of life.
When these Centers move into their +Poles though, life becomes fueled by strong, magnetic -Desires to recognize, create and draw towards being a part of greater patterns in life.

Desire is never harmful or destructive like other -Poles though; it's only - because it is paving the path toward greater beauty through sparks/streams of productivity, perception and insight, but it does not yet recognize this.


When the patterns you/others are creating are finally seen though, you start to feel connected by a profound sense of +Beauty and Unity that brings all parts into an interwoven tapestry. So you start to see the awesome role

 things play in the energetic network of your body, self, soul, world and universe.

However seeing beauty doesn't always feel pretty- it can be very ugly and painful too, especially at first or if you've been resisting that beauty for a long time. Beauty will even see chaos as beautiful & harness chaos as fuel to comprehend or create something even more beautiful.

This path to beauty could come through many things, such as:

Processing life through painful and ugly Turning Points. Creating or Recognizing any form of Art. Biological Reactions of Laughter. Sharing a sense of Intimacy and Communion.

Liberating yourself from Sexual/Creative Repression. Connecting with other realms & states of consciousness through Shamanic Practices. Tantra (blissful physical contact with profound awareness.)

Ultimately, Beauty can only be accessed when the
Moving Center is experiencing +Productivity, and the overall patterns of your days are fulfilling, satisfying & filled with an abundance of energy that you either rest/bask in, or allow to flow through you.

To the extent that you can laugh with life shows your capacity to feel beauty and oneness in any moment.

There are 7 States of Energy/Matter that create beauty from out of chaos. Each state has a relative density, tangibility and identity unique to it, which can evolve & transcend into the next- or fragment into the last- through changes in capacity, pressure and temperature:

SOLID STATE- energy/matter that is locked into a volume and shape, creating a state of -Rigidity and +Focus.

LIQUID STATE- energy/matter that is locked in a volume but no longer has a fixed shape, creating a state of

-Friction and +Fluidity.

GAS STATE- energy/matter that has no definite shape or volume, creating a state of -Dispersion and +Freedom.

PLASMA STATE- energy/matter whose electrons chaotically separate from each atom to generate electro-magnetism, creating a state of -Volatility and +Conductivity.

BEAM STATE- energy/matter that stops vibrating randomly & begins to move harmoniously as uniform particles, creating a state of -Invisibility and +Coherence. (ie. Light Particles)

WAVEFORM STATE- energy/matter that has no fixed location or momentum & exists in a wave of probability, creating a state of -Interference and +Possibility. (ie. Light Waves)

COSMIC STATE- the pure consciousness of energy/matter- aka. quantum entanglement, or completely non-local and faster-than-light communication creating a state of -Singularity and +Interconnection.
The above states of energy are described by their densest physical states- but they also reflect the process of evolving and waking up from rigidly constricted unconscious awareness (solid states) to highly expanded conscious awareness (cosmic states) in all parts of our life.


Each Center resonates with a different form of MUSIC.

In this case, we can access our Higher Moving Center by listening to/creating RESONANT music- where DEEP, CLEAR REVERBERATIONS sound in pleasing ways to EVOKE OUR DESIRES.
It can also be accessed through BEAUTIFUL ORCHESTRATIONS- where LAYERED HARMONIES build up and reach into SWEEPING CRESCENDOS.



This process manages and monitors the health of your Physical Body- showing how you use its energy, manage its fuel and fulfill its desires for beauty, energy and order.

It also helps you see how you shape+create your self, relationships, world and life through your Compulsions (loud, pushy and consuming demands or distractions to do/think/feel that are harder to ignore) and Impulses (quiet, magnetic and inviting attractions to do/think/feel that are easier to ignore).

As such, it is what draws you to FULFILL your agreements, karma, goals and relationships: encouraging you to follow sources of inner/outer GUIDANCE in chaotic, desperate & harmful ways- or beautiful, productive & fulfilling ways- to complete whatever you start to do.

This process manages and monitors the health of your Emotional Body- revealing the confusion or clarity you have

for your perceptions, dreams, aspirations and visions.
It is what highlights your sense of CURIOSITY, sorts out your personal values to focus on what matters most, and shows the chaos or beauty of potential directions you could take- so that you can MAGNETIZE and ATTRACT into your life, any agreements, karma, paths or relationships that you deem important.
A simple example might be getting a glimpse of your future career, and then listening around for/hearing about any opportunities for realizing that.

This process manages and monitors the health of your Intellectual Body- indicating any defensiveness or clarity

you feel in your communication, behaviors and expressions.
It is the part of you that expresses & shares your sense of INTIMACY
, honesty, ethics, morality and discipline with others- inviting you and them to see how well you resonate with each other's truths, and what you share in common through some form of language.
This concord or discord the
n leads you toward or away from ACTIVATING each agreement, karma, path and relationship you choose in life, because on some level you're willing to explore & learn from them.



This process navigates life based on NON-LOCAL EXPERIENCES.

This would include such things as: experiencing past lives- accessing essence reviews (uploads from your life, that your higher soul receives)- remembering unresolved or anticipated karma and relationships- and sensing where 

you are in your evolution through the Passages & Awareness.

This combo forms your Physical Body: the dense infrastructure your Personality evolves from & with through the experiences you gain in linear space and time.

It grows from Momentum, focuses you into a sense of complete separation from all others, and helps you develop a sense of responsibility for the impact of your actions.

And it also forms your Buddhic Body: which is the eternal, indestructible spark of pure consciousness you have that grows from realizing the Beautiful Order of your place in the vastness of the universe among every other being.

It is about TOTAL RESONANCE/ONENESS- which is fulfilled as you see the beauty in all parts of your body/self, and in all bodies & consciousness that have, do or will ever exist.

This combo forms your Astral Body: the emotional part of your Essence/Soul that grows from processing any

Friction in your relationships with everyone/thing through life & reincarnation. It crystallizes beliefs, feelings, karma and challenges which, if chronically destructive, must eventually shatter & be evolved, freed, purified and clearly resolved into greater wholeness. 

And it also forms your Messianic Body: which is the absolute sense of Love you grow for all other beings in the whole universe, and the gravity that creates that ultimately holds all souls together in blissful unity.
It is about 
- as nothing is hidden about how you relate, feel, inspire or reflect. 

Everything is clearly & deeply perceived here- and every thread of inspiration & lasting bond of love and light across your entire life is brought into union- allowing you to evolve by healing all fragments of the whole that is you, your relationships, your life, our world, our universe etc. into greater harmony.

This combo forms your Causal Body: the intellectual part of your Essence/Soul that grows in Intelligence by understanding Causality- or how all things are the cause of another, like a domino effect. It is the part of you that realizes how events+choices come to shape the self/world/universe and create all of its branching realities, facets and dimensions & how events+choices can merge those parts too.
And it also forms your Mental Body: which is the pure mind that grows from grasping the abstract idea of why/how things exist through philosophy, observation and imagination, as a way to form an understanding of the persistent & consistent Truths of the universe.

It is about 
and unequivocal knowing- as the order and beauty of all concepts, beings & mental frameworks are known here- and you can hear, communicate and connect with the truth of your soul, soul family, and the souls of all others as a way to understand reality and existence together.

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