The Goal of RE-EVALUATION is the challenge of learning to focus, process and work on only 1 or 2 Clearly Defined things, states or areas in life- rather than spread yourself among many experiences.
As such, those with, or sliding to this Goal may also be more easily affected by natural environmental factors that are/feel restricting, low comprehension levels or developmental delays that bring about a greater necessity for breaking things down to simplicity over building them up into complexity.
Re-Evaluation often lives with one foot in another world and is never entirely present in the moment, but rather lives life in a sort of high-functioning daydream state where time flows extremely fast or slow- out of sync with "real-world" events- due to how you're processing your busy emotional world.
-Withdrawal settles in when you oversimplify your focus or activity to the point that you feel a withdrawal from life/existence and no longer feel alive. This then takes you out of your life so that everything else just collapses, reduces & falls away until you feel comfortable enough to return.
Withdrawal is always prompted by an internal sense of LONELINESS- brought on by anything from living in a state of extreme isolation, to living with certain mental or physical illnesses or impairments that naturally, severely restrict or retard your movement and focus.
Then over time this shifts towards an external extreme of REPELLING- where others reactively draw away from you, or you reactively avoid any draw towards other people and experiences entirely.
When you fall into -Withdrawal, you begin to feel -Confused by anything new in life- so all other paths of meaning & experience beyond what you know and find comfortable are resisted.
To move into +Simplicity, you must +Evolve your capacity to respond to life's ups and downs.
Evolution is about CREATING MEANING.
If you take time to digest & process your current feelings+experiences, you can self-reflect in ways that prompt you to take on new layers of your life that start to inspire you. This allows you to return to & participate in life as you begin to engage more in the world again, choose differently & grow from your choices.
You can also choose directions and experiences that liberate yourself from -Stagnating in bouts of withdrawal that are keeping you stuck- helping you do/think/feel more +Freely to return a state of meaningful simplicity.
A shift into +Simplicity means you cut away all the dross of meaningless directions/options so you can simply focus on & process those key issues/states/areas you are truly drawn to & which matter to you- working through them without losing the vitality, joy and liveliness that keeps you in touch with the world.
This is ignited when you Re-evaluate your Withdrawal, and move into an inner extreme that is SEDENTARY: simply allowing & enjoying the act of calming down and sitting still with your complete focus- whether you do this for yourself, or others bring you into such a state.
Which gradually shifts into an outer extreme of SENSITIVITY, where you become attuned to all of the subtle thoughts and feelings moving through you & all the subtle movements fluttering around- refining yourself and your focus to respond only to what matters most.
While these extremes calm and reduce to bring about greater lengths+depths of responsiveness to life, they don't quite realize that simplicity does not come from doing less, but from Being and Allowing others to Be More.
The full range of Simplicity allows for the care and nurturing provided from around you, or drawn from within you- to create a space for peaceful focus and simply being, and this its own form of fruition.