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The Cynic seeks to ACTIVELY OPPOSE, bring up the flip side of, and look beyond what’s obvious, appears to be, or is commonly assumed to be true- knowing there’s more than meets the eye.
As such, the Cynic often "doesn't miss a thing", and can "throw a wrench" into smooth socializing by challenging other's perceptions & pointing out/
addressing what others won't- even if passive-aggressively or internally.


In -Denigration, you can't accept that what's presented is all there is to know or see, and try to break things/people down far more than they can be. 

The truth is just too simple or not complex enough.

Locked onto this exclusive emphasis and insistence on what's not apparent, you automatically adjust your perceptions to actively counter, cut down or fight against any opposition to your claims- presenting false realities you might not even believe in as a way to control debates, corner others & impose a common-denominator of absolute truth.

This means you begin to oppose only to hurt, belittle and devalue- actively undermining and destroying everyone's strength of integrity and personal truth, including your own.

You may even make up contradictions when there is nothing to actually point out- just to be contrary and have something to stand against. Or give back-handed compliments and smugly loaded statements while justifying the impact of your words by bluntly saying you're only being realistic, "telling it like it is" or "just telling the truth."
This can become a
Blind Spot of OBSESSION, where you may constantly perpetuate the most outlandish conspiracies, or see denigration as a necessary evil that is noble and important to impose- even if it means stretching or making up facts beyond recognition.


When you fall into -Denigration, you become -Subjective. Everything begins to feel too real+personal and all that you see ISN'T true, heard or seen of people/things/experiences etc. suddenly IS the truth of those.

To move into +Contradiction, you must be aware of the effects of your actions, thoughts and words: becoming  +Objective about how you are presenting yourself, communicating and being received- and seeing the reality of others perceptions and the world as-is being just as valid as your own interpretations.

This means you must surprise yourself by questioning your own intents+perspectives. Think differently. Try a different angle. Try expanding/changing your focus. All these do not ignore the reality of what's affecting you, but help you find realistic solutions & alternatives to what's affecting you.


You may also question whether your methods of actively opposing are creating +Practical/Efficient scenarios that serve  your intent- growing out of your -Dogmatic insistence on breaking everything down to degraded pieces.



A shift into +Contradiction means you question the status quo & bring light to what's been missed or seems unapparent to yourself or others, only if you see that attention to what's not seen will be beneficial. 

If seen as potentially valuable to share, you would then present and invite these other perspectives to help you and others expand upon your/their perceptions. 


So you encourage open debate & active contradictions to the social norm- as a way to include what's necessary for addressing, look beyond the surface to see the actual content underneath, discern the truth of the matter, and promote freedom of nature and reason.

​However, you also accept that sometimes the truth of someone/thing that is seen, known or experienced is just that, and there is no blind dichotomy or secret/hidden meaning.

So you doubt and question as a means to learn more, and that is that.

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