The CORE MONARCH only manifests when you can perceive and deal with your reality as it IS (Realism)- are willing to lead/exemplify a direction for any system of dynamic parts/people in your life (Dominance)- and are driven to create energy, action and movement in directing those various parts/people (Orchestration).
When these criteria are satisfied, your ESSENCE comes out to Oversee the Bigger Picture- because you're the one that carries out the managing, directing, delegating, allowing, encouraging and motivating of all of the parts/people that are part of, yet create something greater than the sum of the whole.
With all this in mind, your life philosophy sees the world as being a Kingdom you rule over- as you interpret, interact and share life with the "common folk" that are your relationships/experiences as a way to get to know their nature, your nature and the context you're both a part of creating.
So Monarchs are life's Adepts, Directors and Commanders, as your natural magnetism, oversight and charisma can be honed into great leadership & rally many aspects of your life, parts of you or dynamics in your relationships that are moving in separate directions, towards a common context or overarching "goal" in life.
But as a Monarch, you also want to Be Independent in your delegation: to hold your own and embody your strengths and capabilities with absolute self-sufficiency.
You have 1 INPUT, so this means when you shine you're entirely focused on mastering the task at hand- though this tends to be more in terms of being a good generalist in your chosen endeavors rather than a specialist.
Monarchs have such a broad picture of life and love that you span & plan over the course of time. So this means you need yourself and others to give you TIME to LET YOU Love First.
You can't be pushed to love yourself or others before you've had the time to process that- so all others need is to go along life, loving you all the same without agenda/air/pretense, as you come to terms with that truth.
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If you have chosen the Core Monarch archetype, your nature carries a strong drive to master whatever it is you're trying to accomplish until you're absolutely satisfied- but also a constant feeling that things are never right, never settled and never working the way they could be so you actually never are satisfied.
This is because things will never be perfect until you understand & live by the principles that remind us life is a continuous process not a project- that every part/person is part of a greater whole that's even greater than the sum of its parts- and that each part/person is beautifully alone in its own wholeness & perfect in its imperfection.
So your way of coming to terms with all these spiritual paradoxes- is to help show, remind and delegate yourself and everyone else in life to their place in the bigger picture & their rightful seat as their own authority in life:
so that one's self-remembering as being a part of & having a place in the cosmos, comes from a space of peace, spiritual wisdom, authentic being and appropriate action.
Being such a grand energy, your essence comes into full bloom the latest of all- in the Causal Cycle.
This is when+where we start to comprehend everyone's lives playing out in the fabric of the universe- and how every aspect of life is intrinsically woven together with every other through relationality, causality and context.
Because you're the revered overseer in the universe, and see life as a kingdom to be governed- you eventually learn how to actually let the very essence/spark that creates life, be your kingdom.
So you're the one that learns how to tap into the deepest+broadest connection to spirit, to the vastness of existence and to the true exploration of one's eternal & multidimensional consciousness.
When in -TYRANNY, you wipe the slate clean to "be done with it" when facing any chaos, lack of control or uncertainty- avoiding/eliminating all association with that which you can't master or is causing you trouble- and cutting off all sources of dependency because you can do it on your own, alone.
This is where you try to Enforce Sameness, because life becomes a matter of "babysitting" everything- where you turn yourself and everyone else into simple objects, strip them of their being, turn them into cogs in a machine, and expect that they all just need to comply and stay in their place.
It's also where you feel that enduring boredom, tedium and apathy is honorable, because nothing and no one is going to change, and you will enforce that you+everyone else just do what needs to be done to get by.
Overall, Tyranny is a demanding, fretful and distracted voice in you, that's consumed by compulsions and obsessions saying life, experiences and relationships must provide some form of emotional/mental/physical stimulation in a way that keeps you feeling grounded, safe, alive and doing something.
To shift into +MASTERY means you comprehend and allow for the inherent natures of the aspects of your life, parts of you, or dynamics of your relationships that you're working to delegate and motivate.
This is so that you can direct all those parts to work together in unison, in a way that creates a Path/Progression to success & wholeness- rather than enforces them into something that's not natural to them.
Overall, Mastery is a patient, steady, strategic and comprehensive implementation of action that can anticipate how your choices affect and will impact your life and those of others.
Despite your flare for mastering big-picture plans of action though, the greatest mastery & peace for you actually comes when you finally allow yourself to be as you’re inclined, rather than as you demand or expect yourself to be.
This is when you finally see your being as the source of your life, not just your doing.
When you realize this, you ask if you are & in turn learn how to become truly, profoundly alive, excited and moved by life, however that may show. Because you know that if what you do doesn't align with who you are, you are lying, separating and compartmentalizing yourself.
So you break down this discrepancy and act from you not on you.
You begin to allow your need for Intimacy: recognizing you are not an island but part of a community- growing close to, confident in and trusting of others as sources of support for your independence who can do things WITH you- and getting to know yourself as well, becoming internally aligned+close with you.
The Great Lesson of the Core Monarch is to feel A PART of everything+everyone. When conscious, you recognize you're the source of your life through your power of choice & creation.
You don't just live your life, you are your life- and you know that you're the key that makes it whole, as nothing outside of you will do that for you. You feel connected to the life in all around/within you, while aware of the inherently unlimited possibilities in everything+everyone.
No matter the struggles or limitations, you know your life's unfolding is perfect & beautiful. And rather than everything being potential obstacles/limitations to overcome, they are now important lessons that help direct your growth.
When disconnected however, you feel separated and APART from life, others and even yourself.
So you simply distract yourself with all forms of self-gratification+stimulation that validate your ego's desire for ultimate perfection, control and rulership. While feeling you alone are completely responsible for all achievements- resisting all influences of support and help (sometimes even violently).
This Monarch is Impatience, manifest- as you create great distances & rifts from everything and everyone that reflect back to you, your utter imperfections at mastering life.
When this lesson arises, then it can greatly help if you visit SPIRITUAL sanctuaries for quiet and reflection, watch/read info shared by spiritual leaders you resonate with & make changes that reflect your commitment to acknowledging the life in all others (eg: veganism/volunteer work).
All this can help to return you to your all-encompassing and life-giving spiritual Core and Essence.
Owning where you are Right Now, realizing you have a Choice in this moment & the next, and Asking for Help when struggling so you know you're not living in a vacuum will always help too- especially because you often try to be so authoritative and independent.