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Beloved: +Admirable Mastery and -Obligatory Tyranny.
This MONARCH is most nurturing, loyal & sincere, with her tactics gaining so much admiration, respect and love 
from all who know/are affected by her. But when this falls, everything seems so obligatory & routine and she misses out on herself, not ever seeing she could be so loved/make such a difference.

Creator: +Ultimate Mastery and -Forgotten Tyranny.
This MONARCH is slow+deliberate, greatly concerned with an ultimate creation or fulfillment in life.
But she can easily fall into a kind of amnesia that feels like life is a constant struggle 
to wake up into- or even then, to feel she has a right to participate in it in the first place.

Custodian: +Responsible Mastery and -Distanced Tyranny.

This MONARCH feels responsible for everything, and works hard to bring all parts together for the betterment of everything. But when this falters, she checks out, resigns and becomes embittered and distanced from all forms of responsibility.

Advocate: +Masterful Representation and -Combative Tyranny.
This MONARCH takes on causes and stands as representative for them- being a resource of information, structure & direction for fulfilling her chosen pursuits. However, she may simply fall into a state of stridency
, warring and combativeness that entirely defeats the point of fighting for those causes to begin with.

Wise One: +Informed Mastery and -Inappropriate Tyranny.
This MONARCH is a true source of information, sharing valuable observations and exemplifying adaptability.

But if not careful, she falls into orating inappropriate  information/observations that have no bearing on current contexts but to fuel repression or oppression. 

Precedence: +Mastering Prioritization and -Inconsiderate Tyranny.
This MONARCH is willing to set precedence & do what others wouldn't and haven't to pave a path/open a way for others. When this strength falls though, she becomes repetitive, breaking into directions just to impress or make a point- but with no concern 
for those who might follow behind.

Cornerstone: +Established Mastery and -Heavy Tyranny.
This MONARCH is immovable and predictable- she's established her position in life and won't move, creating a comforting stability for peace in her own & others lives. But she may just become a dead weight or black hole, holding steady
 in her direction+stance even when on a crash course- taking all down with her.



The PRIMAL MONARCH feels compelled to OVERSEE the MANAGEMENT of resources and people- directing all of these towards paths that secure everyone's continued survival and existence.
At first, you can feel distracted by your 
-Tyrannical compulsions to dictate direction, and endlessly stimulate yourself and others into movement/action in ways that are pointless or counterproductive.

But eventually you orchestrate your & others bodies to act out what they're naturally best at doing- so that you all can +Master the art of survival: capable of grouping your skills together to avoid/transcend any form of death, pain and suffering in favor of bringing greater freedom and pleasure.
The ORDERLY MONARCH has mastered survival through your excellent capacity to bring everyone into a greater sense of purpose- allowing for the creation of a more stable world & economy.

So you now funnel your compulsion to manage into a familiar, acceptable and civil role that LEADS, RULES and REIGNS over what has become, or what you've inherited as your kingdom/realm of influence.


At first, you stand as an independent & isolated enforcer of law; -Tyranically ruling the world you share with all other beings through a cruel and soulless "iron fist" that must retain order at all costs.

But over time, you learn how to create a world of unified support & spiritual direction+aspiration by becoming a symbolic monarch for your whole society/family's ideals in +Mastery.

This balance between lawfulness and ethos is how you build confidence and learn you matter.
The INDIVIDUALIST MONARCH comes to realize that you can oversee your own "kingdom", rather than live under someone else's rule- and thus you now want to HAVE AUTHORITY over deciding your own life.

As such, you desire to have total assurance, success and control over planning, influencing and managing your life with skill- while knowing how to adeptly use anything and anyone that crosses into your life as fuel to support this strong singular aim.


At first then, -Tyranny sets in, because you can resort to cutting off anybody and anything that causes you undue trouble or prevents you from exercising authority, without a second thought.
Your kingdom becomes the world, and anything and everything tangible within it that you seek to command. So as long as you can retain or recover your authority, you feel capable of reaching greater +Mastery.
By now, you have reached a point where you wish to rule the dynamics of your relationships, and your aim is to +Master your control over any personal areas of sensitivity that are brought up in these.

So you begin to question just how loving your actions really are, and how much impact your overt or subtle -Tyranny 

can actually have in negatively shaping your relationships, pursuits and negotiations- or even distorting/corrupting their true meaning & value through lies, conditions, biases etc.

At this stage, it's deeply important for you to Be in Harmony with everyone you're interacting with- but you're no longer comfortable creating that harmony by commanding everything from afar like you were before.
So you can strongly feel like you've lost your confidence to control & orchestrate things and people as a distant

outside authority, leader and/or director.

This prompts you to reconcile the broad overall direction of relationship fulfillment you seek to master- with understanding how broken, lonely or empty parts of you/others are in that relationship & recovering their sense of integrity/wholeness/closeness so that they can own their impact, responsibility and place in life.

Having mastered your relationship dynamics to a point of satisfaction, you now turn inward and introspect to find a part of you craves deep down to achieve more MEANING and INTIMACY in life than ever before- particularly through family, quality relationships, tenderness, kindness and loyalty.

Yet despite this noble desire, you can also feel like you've lost your direction, place in life, importance etc.- and that meaning and intimacy are difficult things you never feel could be/are achieved.

This is only because your world and kingdom are now very intimate & personal territories rather than systems you used to direct from afar- and now your mastery is affecting or tyranny is being imposed upon your whole self, which you then carry into your external life through how you act/behave.


So this either prompts you to reach out to others in life & realize the importance of fulfilling your cravings for intimacy, vulnerability, community, peace and closeness as a new path to +Master.

Or you can become distracted with your insecurity, loneliness & resentment- falling into control issues, restlessness and a need to do things just to do something meaningful as a new form of -Tyranny.

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