The DAILY SERVER naturally functions on a day-to-day basis with an attraction to what inspires you to CARE and HELP. You have a keen awareness of & attentive sensitivity to the NEEDS, BEHAVIORS and FEELINGS of yourself and those whom you find important.
As such, you often find yourself contacted by a handful of people in your day-to-day life that are drawn to you one-on-one for being a resource of help, insight, understanding and nurturing that inspires them, or at least always puts them onto a path of greater personal meaning.
This Modus Operandi is of the Restricted Inspiration axis; and thus helps you to keep cool and calm in your
perceptions, unfazed no matter what you see/perceive (Stoicism)- constantly halting+launching or ebbing+flowing in life, as you're always re-evaluating the progress you're making toward your goals, and deriving a sense of simplicity, enthusiasm and meaning from them (Re-Evaluation)- and monitoring yourself with restraint in relationships as a way to reveal only what's needed (Reservation).
However, any relationship, activity or exchange in your life must INSPIRE YOU & must already BE MEANINGFUL to you- or else you will simply move on. You have no interest in meaningless/random contact because your nature is to FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS, not what doesn't.
Once something or someone does matter though, then you'll comfortably pursue, nurture and care for it- bringing meaning and simple enthusiasm to that exchange, goal or relationship- while holding a kind+sensitive awareness for any struggles or boundaries that may show up, so that the best may come of things.
If this is +Service, then a fall into -Bondage means you can simply become distracted by your and everyone else's feelings, needs and behaviors- feeling like you're under an oppressive weight of personal obligation to nurture what/who you care for, even if it's at the expense of nurturing your own well-being.
So because you take no care of your boundaries, you start to become resentful of, frustrated and even infuriated by those who reflect that inconsideration of boundaries. And you might even learn to "lock down" and just "pretend" not to care- even when you know you really do.
So you then fall into general Self-Deprecation, -Resignation and apathy- -Inhibiting/Repressing your inspirations and impulses to care, and -Withdrawing from caring for yourself and others all together to focus only on your survival and self-preservation through life.
There are 7 Variants of Daily Servers, each with their own unique mix of energies or undertones that draw them to take on different responsibilities in the community of life.
The Daily Server with undertones of pure Server Energy, naturally draws you toward anything that helps you
NOURISH your and others needs, behaviors and feelings with tremendous sensitivity.
The Daily Server with undertones of Innovator Energy, naturally draws you toward taking responsibility for refining and increasing your range of/capacity for PATIENCE- rather than falling into a state of neurotic infuriation that does nothing to help the matter at hand.
The Daily Server with undertones of Warrior Energy, naturally draws you toward building or creating a sense of firm, steadfast control and STABILITY- so that you can care much more safely & comfortably.
The Daily Server with undertones of Scholar Energy, naturally draws you toward anything that increases your and others capacity to RECOGNIZE and know deep down what you truly care for.
The Daily Server with undertones of Narrator Energy, naturally draws you toward helping you+others SHARE,
give of & talk about your selves, gifts, rewards, strengths and weaknesses- particularly those that are relevant to the matter at hand.
The Daily Server with undertones of Guide Energy, naturally draws you toward seeing and increasing how much you+others can compassionately FORGIVE any mistakes, flaws or unwarranted violations/offenses.
The Daily Server with undertones of Monarch Energy, naturally draws you toward seeing how everyone can best exemplify and develop SELF-RELIANCE- by helping you+others see your own powers & resources more clearly, while choosing to care for your needs first so you can be more effective in tending to others.