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The CORE SERVER only manifests when you're aware of the nature of yourself, another and/or the situation at hand (Stoicism)- are driven to simplify matters to reveal what’s most needed for caring (Re-Evaluation)- and feel that this process inspires you and is meaningful to care for (Reservation).
When these criteria are satisfied, then your ESSENCE comes out and
wants to Care, Nourish and Help- to matter, be effective and make a difference in your life and the lives of those close to you.

Servers are life's Caregivers and Nurturers who emphasize and attend to your own & others NEEDS- seeking to provide the most basic of elements that are needed for one to heal and grow. This means
 you love to see those you've affected, grow in how they manage themselves in the world.
All this in mind, your life philosophy is that each experience/relationship is like an
Honored Guest for+by whom you choose to selflessly tend, nurture and care for as their giving host.


You have 2 INPUTS, so this means when you shine there will always be a part of you focused on the task at hand (1)- while another is mindful of your sense of the common good (2) that fuels your drive to do what's needed for others & show everyone what gifts lay untapped within oneself.
Servers nurture love readily in life because of all this, but can eventually feel that love is invisible, overlooked or taken for granted- so you must be allowed to Find PROOF that the love you and all your caring efforts give are being received and returned in some way.
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If you have chosen to embody the Core Server archetype, then you will come into your own the earliest of all souls as you move through the Survival Awareness- because you have such a natural gift for differentiating what matters from what does not in life.

Server Energy is keen at healing, and will often feel+carry the weight of everyone's pains, struggles and suffering on top of your own- ailing and isolating yourself to process what others haven't. Because of this, you act like a barometer or "canary in the coal mine" that gauges and reveals the collective healing, health and even dangers of whatever relationship or community you're a part of.

However sometimes, the Server will also just need to opt out of this responsibility and surrender; letting everyone bumble through to grow, live and let live on their own terms- gaining from what's already been given to them.

When in -BONDAGE you feel so exhausted, weary and begrudgingly bitter for being responsible for caring- that you completely disengage and recoil from it until someone else does the work of caring for you.

You simply become apathetic and shut down- resisting your nature to nurture because you feel it's too hard and inconvenient or takes too much work/energy.
Bondage can also show up in that you care so much you wish to control what/who you care for- in ways that are at your own expense, or simply lead you to become manipulative, abusive, frantic or obnoxious.
One of the core aspects of your nature being a Server is that you desire to share your life with just one person you can confidently trust.

But in order to do so, you can find you avoid so much+so many that you deem pointless in life as you lose yourself to Loneliness in waiting for that meaningful one- or you can share so much with so many out of empty Desperation that you forget others have lives to share too.


To shift into +SERVICE means you realize your nature is one that nurtures and cares, and that there's strength to your sensitivity to tend to everyone's needs by providing great care, openness, enthusiasm, energy and kindness in ways that inspire yourself+others to heal and grow. 

In Service, you start finding new sources that fulfill your deeper and more unspoken need to Be Helped, affected and made a difference for, rather than resign yourself to obligation. 

Or you do this for yourself by providing care for your needs and energy levels first, before then extending your care out to others. And you realize you can find/nurture pleasure in asking about and SHARING in the lives of others too, rather than only be preoccupied with protecting or pushing your own life.

The Great Lesson of the Core Server is to first CARE FOR YOURSELF in life before tending to the needs of others- providing the rest and love necessary for you first, so you can be so much more effective in caring for, nurturing and helping everyone else.

When disconnected however, you choose to completely cut off from caring for others and yourself, and emphasize all ways that prove life is just discordant, unloving, and no one is making a difference.

This Server is Self-Deprecation, manifest.

To return a conscious connection to Essence, it can help to comfortably release your past and choose experiences that bring in more presence. Particularly by doing anything that is PHYSICALLY stimulating- such as jogging, dancing, feeling through dirt+ground or having a full-body massage.
Owning where you are Right Now, realizing you have a Choice in this moment & the next, and 
Asking for Help when struggling so you know you're not living in a vacuum will always help too.

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