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Drama Queen/King: +Proclaiming Service and -Suffering Bondage.

This SERVER has been invisible for far too long to the point she's ready to proclaim her right to exist and point out all her pains. But if not careful, she may simply become a mess so defined by her pain, drama, struggles & woes she stays there.

Bold One: +Ingenuous Service and -Eccentric Bondage.
This SERVER is not afraid to breaks from 
traditions, move in unexpected directions and use some creativity to resolve problems or beautify her life+path. But, she can simply become eccentric, odd and highly distrustful- like the "crazy lady" down the street who barks out her views.

Quiet Leader: +Serving Guidance and -Pushy Bondage.
This SERVER knows the best paths and helps guide 
and move you through life to get you to where you need to go (even if from behind) without your even knowing. But if not feeling effective, she can easily become pushy, and disgusted with your stupidity in picking up on her signals/cues or direction.

Practical One: +Elegant Service and -Bound to Disruption.
This SERVER is willing to flow & idle in life so long as she's comfortable, content and happy
- and she'll help you be happy in this practical and elegant way too.
However, if anything throws a curve-ball into her life or tampers with/threatens her comfort zones i
t's either quietly evaded or directly confronted- as she expects you should clearly know her needs+boundaries.

Mindful One: +Perceptive Service and -Ineffective Bondage.
This SERVER sizes you up a moment of first impression based on your expressions, to communicate
 effectively with you in a way that you can hear. But when this is distorted, she feels ineffective & becomes frantic for you to know who SHE is as she already knows you: so she simply talks at you.

Noble: +Sensitive Service and -Brutal Bondage.
This SERVER is keenly ethical &
 sensitive to your boundaries, willing to circumvent any triggers to help you grow+understand at your own pace. She'll tell you the truth even if it hurts but only if it is going to help.

At worst however, she plows into your life upholding ridiculous standards, is brutally honest even if it doesn't serve you & defends any negative effects with a stance of righteousness.

Huggable One: +Affectionate Service and -Strict Bondage
This SERVER is personable, inviting and values human contact as a vital network for one's well-being

But when this falters, she may still be approachable, but dismisses your affections and is quite prickly & strict

about who can be close to her vs who must be kept at a distance. She feels affection saps her of her vitality.


The PRIMAL SERVER feels compelled to do WHAT'S NEEDED FOR YOU
So you obligate yourself to help 
nurture your body & any close loved ones in need, by offering your care with unquestioned +Service and duty. Especially because you quickly learn through -Bondage that to not tend to the body's basic needs means death, pain and suffering for you and others.

  The ORDERLY SERVER has learned how to survive well enough, that you now can participate in creating a lawful & orderly society capable of providing food, help and social services at all times.

So you now funnel your inherent compulsion to do what's needed into a familiar, acceptable and civil role that formally NURTURES others.


This first comes from always feeling -Bound to or even resentfully bitter about this obligation. 

As you care so little because you're exhausted and disgusted by others constant needs & unlawful behavior- or you control so much because it's your role and duty to listen and provide, but neglect your own needs until they can't be ignored any longer.

So over time you learn how to provide +Service in ways that are civilized & civilize others- while also providing care for yourself in breaks between this nurturing to fuel you.

This balance between obligation and responsibility is how you build confidence and learn you matter.

The INDIVIDUALIST SERVER comes to realize how much nurturing/care is not being given back to you by others & received from your exchanges- so now you feel a struggle to HAVE RECOGNITION.

At first, you seek to care and help as you feel must be done & as is natural to you- because you know you're capable as the one who has always given so much. But you feel that this has simply become a meaningless effort that traps, exhausts and binds you in a life of -Bondage/Obligation.

This is because you now feel you're not being seen enough for what you do for others- and you realize that you always seem to be exploited into constant victimhood, so you can feel that you must exploit others too as a form of payback, compensation, guilt and grief.
You start to ask what you're getting in return for all that you put in.


Over time, you learn that it's profoundly OK to be recognized, praised and rewarded for your care- and that this reciprocating circuit of gifts, rewards, services & exchanges of energy between you and others is necessary to sustain your +Service.
So you learn to dismiss those relationships/areas of life that don't reciprocate- while using this time to catch up on self-service & indulge in the gifts/rewards you have reaped in ways that have been neglected for so long.

RELATIONSHIP SERVER must reconcile your need to HAVE RECOGNITION and healthy exchanges of nurturing, with the core of you that seeks to simply BE HELPFUL in meaningful ways- even if you don't receive the gifts, rewards and recognition you sought through helping.


This means you can often be extremely busy- as you're pulled into & torn apart by several internal and external directions that bring up issues of your utter availability & ineffective over-extension to immediately nurture and help everything that you see is suffering, hurting and needs to be healed.
So this will always leave you mired in sympathetic feelings of pain, torment and agonizing 
-Bondage- until you finally resolve only to offer +Service when you actually CAN.

HOLISTIC SERVER seeks to BE HELPFUL- but you now learn through many times of -Bondage/Obligation, the hard lesson that you will NOT care at the expense of your self/needs, nor will you allow yourself to suffer with/for others as their false comfort or addiction.

You choose to help by letting your self & life exemplify what it means to help- and unconditionally give +Service only if it is actually helping and others are willing to give up their suffering & overwrought thoughts and feelings to grow, evolve and heal.

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