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The CORE INNOVATOR only manifests when you're aware of actively selecting and discerning your options

(Discrimination)- intend to create some thing/relationship through free-form chaos or structured order (Caution)- 

and question what you have or is needed to bring that intention about (Skepticism).
When these criteria are satisfied, then your ESSENCE comes out t
Bring to Life ideas, projects, creative impulses and movements- or Infuse Life into (by nurturing, growing and developing) your self, relationships, family, community, workplace etc.

All this in mind, your life philosophy is that the world is a Blank Canvas where newness, awe and creativity can burst forth- with each experience/relationship you create representing but one layer of your unique self and contribution to life that can be seen and recognized for its beauty by all who pass by.

Innovators are life's Architects, Creators, Inventors and Artisans who want to put/keep things in Structure & Order- to bring some form of beauty out of the chaos around you.
As Innovators are always creating structure, order and beauty in some way- when one CREATES or DISPLAYS some tangible or aesthetic means of love that you can SEE, you will know it is OK to HAVE/WANT it.

In fact, if you do not see love offered to you, you can feel left out & create manipulative strategies to take or secure it without looking like you want it.

You have 5 INPUTS, so this means there will always be a part of your core focused on the task at hand (1)- 

while another receives any new inspirations, changes or desires (2)- another finishes up previous creations or changes as you move into new layers of experience- like a new job/move/art project (3)- another discerns how to create your intention using what you have (4)- and the last constantly compares all that's come to be in the past with your idealized future utopia (5).
Of all the Shines, having so many inputs to process at once means you can at times "cut off" some to "fit in".
Cutting off Input 1 means being scattered & unable to focus- delusions, defensiveness & escapism can set in for Input 2- lying, dishonesty & revisionism for Input 3- manipulation, anger & frustration for Input 4- and being unable to heal, resulting in terminal illness & psychological damage for Input 5.

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If you have chosen to embody the Core Innovator archetype, then you will come into your own in the Order Awareness as you learn how to give form to ideas, construct and reconstruct again+again from out of chaos, stagnation and destruction, and blur the divide between imagination and reality.

Innovators are creators, but even if you don't create much yourself, you may also just love/play an integral part in helping others create their ideas, changes and innovations instead.

This urge to create can go in one of two ways. Either the creative chaos coming from all around you is something you feel a need to control, manage, focus, sort out and refine- so you might emphasize strictness, organization, structure and predictable patterns in the creative process.
Or you do a complete 180 and kind of short-circuit to freely embody & live out the creative chaos of unfinished and unformed ideas just to see how crazy, wild and completely eccentric things can get.

When in -DELUSION, you refuse to, are blocked in, or feel unable to infuse liveliness into, or bring to life what you want from your life, self or relationships.
So instead you escape into internal worlds of creation and fantasy that are more vibrant & alive than your experiences in the outside world- fabricating lies and artifices that deny the reality of what you've created, or deny your power of creativity & responsibility even against all common sense.
Delusion can also show in that you
compulsively need to perfect your art, structure, trade, skill etc. if everything and everyone isn't running exactly as you expect it to. So you restrict your+others sense of creativity by enforcing strictures onto any form of unwanted development or progress- and rigidly resist/dismiss any new changes to what's been created so your symbols for things are preserved.
Life begins to feel chaotic, and you become completely neurotic, bewildered and paranoid- prone to wild imaginings  and conclusive outlooks that were passively prompted. So you start to act out of sheer recklessness with no clue about the consequences, and create backstories to your & others lives to explain away any form of chaos.

The further your life and creations are from what you intended, the more you will deny that, or blame life, others, your lack of skill etc. for it- feeling like you're just a pinball being shot around by life.
As this continues and you spiral into pure SELF-DECEIT, you start to reject having too much of, or being too indulgent in anything tangible and "real"- blocking off all happiness & joy in having your life because you're not worth it.

+CREATIVITY means you experiment with using the actual resources/tools you have within or around you, to create what you desire in your life, relationships or self. You give tangible form to your ideas and impulses in a way that brings a sense of newness, aliveness and revitalization to you and others.

So from/through this, you Recognize that you have brought order to and created some form of beauty out of chaos.

And if you can't create what you want, or if your intentions and the results created don't line up- you allow that to be true and OK, not a failure to lie about; working from there with the resources you do have, or moving on to more accommodating directions of creativity and intention.

The Great Lesson of the Core Innovator is to feel HAPPY in having, and feel that life is worth living.
When conscious, you allow yourself to be happy in life, to have or create what you want & need deep inside- and you allow yourself to express your feelings of true joy, enthusiasm, prosperity and abundance to the extent that you can or allow yourself of in the moment.
When disconnected however, you can feel for a long time that your needs are too great and that you never get what you deserve- or aren't
WORTH what you want, worth the life used on you, or the relationships and things you have.

This Innovator is Self-Destruction, manifest.
This can often elicit pity and confusion from others, but in this state nothing anyone gives you will be worth it enough to "snap you out of it"- so you'll often find others are forced to dig you out of your mess & make you confront your own lies.

To return a sense of Essence and joyful meaning to your days- it can help if you dive into some form of artistic expression (such as painting or sculpting), dance privately, share pure joy with small animals, do/purchase something trivial but fun, and especially: do something that 
gets you out of the house & into the world.

Owning where you are Right Now, realizing you have a Choice in this moment & the next, and Asking for Help when struggling so you know you're not living in a vacuum will always help too.

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