The 3 Strengths of the Energy/Beauty Tier relate to the Needs of Community, Security and Acceptance respectively.
The Action Strength here is INCLUSION. It is Active Energy/Beauty.
This Strength craves for yourself+others to feel included & close- and naturally presumes that's possible.
In the +, this shows as COMMUNING- where you recognize all of the patterns of beauty and integrity around+within you, and aim your efforts to invite & include everyone into a shared sense of community.
You know that community is nuanced, not conditional- and you respond to those nuances to create a sense of wholeness with all by sharing in intentions, directions, choices and paths.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this instead becomes a state of POLICING.
This is where a definitive state of inclusion develops that requires everyone to accommodate it or else. Leading you to be distracted and turned off by other's behaviors+choices, "calling people out", forcing, fighting and even censoring- creating obstacles to harmony.
The Inspiration Strength here is CONFIDENCE. It is Inspirational Energy/Beauty.
This Strength desires to be physically-confident in your skin and choices, and merely by being in your presence others feel comforted, nurtured and inspired.
In the +, you inspire a sense of true SECURITY that brings kindness, nurturing and awe.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this state of confidence looks INCONSIDERATE, aloof and insensitive to others- or you mute your confidence into a self-consciousness that gives more room to others and their skin than you.
The Expression Strength here is INTIMACY. It is Expressive Energy/Beauty.
This Strength desires for your expression to make a difference- craving to share sincere affection, private thoughts and support with at least one trusted person. People with this tend to make others feel good without even trying, and a sense of acceptance+intimacy is generated whether invited or not.
In the +, this creates such a sense of harmony that there is strength found in being honest about who you are- and ACCEPTING how you+others feel, express and communicate with one another.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this leaves you feeling drowned out, over-concerned with rejection, offenses and VIOLATION. You worry about protecting your communication and yourself from the impact it has on others as though you're too much to handle or it's too much responsibility to be intimate.