The 3 Strengths of the Love Tier relate to the Needs of Adventure, Exchange and Power respectively.
The Action Strength here is CURIOSITY. It is Active Love.
This Strength profoundly dismisses the concerns of risk, in favor of being pulled wherever and however you wish to be. You're more concerned with what's on the other side of an experience, and have great trust that you can bounce back from any difficulties/challenges that might arise from your curiosity.
In the +, you are ADVENTUROUS, actively follow your heart, and continue building upon any failures and disappointments- knowing there's more than what you see/feel to find or create.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this instead shows as DESTRUCTIVE as you're prone to reckless behavior or being hurtful to yourself+others because you look past/ignore everything.
The Inspiration Strength here is RESONANCE. It is Inspirational Love.
This Strength naturally wishes to bring out the best in yourself or others even in the worst of situations.
In the +, you create an EXCHANGE through this- bringing about reciprocating experiences that are inspiring to both/all parties as something is shared. You adapt to find a common denominator to truly empathize and create a sense of resonance.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this becomes a painful, heightened SENSITIVITY- as you shut down into numbness, and hurt because you feel too much. Or it shows up as a PREJUDICE that keeps expecting that the intended results you're aiming for, be played- but finds this resisted, ignored or altered.
The Expression Strength here is AUTHENTICITY. It is Expressive Love.
This Strength allows you to be completely real and transparent, with nothing hidden.
This doesn't mean others know everything about you- they may still need to look for or ask about things- but you don't go out of your way to hide yourself.
In the +, this shows up as POWER because you feel utterly alive, present and sincere in your expression.
When ignored, neglected, dismissed or exploited, this transparency & "realness" is presumed to be the case for everyone. So others must always be showing everything about themselves through what they present or believe- and you simply become SELF-RIGHTEOUS about your choices.