This 2nd Grouping is your COMMUNITY QUADRANT- containing your Pillars of HARMONY because it helps you live with a greater consideration for the consequences & impact of all harmony or disharmony affecting your self, body, environment and community.
As such, this is your means of feeling True Spirit, True Home and True Health.
TRUE SPIRIT indicates what it is within your environment that encourages your fuller expression in the outer world. There are 7 Medias that could be your True Spirit, these are:
Dependently-Immobile Beings: plants, stones, tools/furnishings that need tending etc.
Arts: any kind of evolving practice you find beautiful.
Labor: the act of working hard on intentions.
Technology: applying scientific knowledge to create practical tools.
Communication: exchanges of truth.
Independently-Mobile Beings: animals, robots etc.
Ritual: meaningful familiar routines- eg: Morning Runs, Eating with Family etc.
You choose at least 2-3 of these in life that engage your Spirit and Essence most.
TRUE HOME indicates what variables+elements in your environment create a sense of harmony within you and bring more of you into the world. There are 7 Zones that could be your True Home, these are:
Ocean: bodies of water and beaches.
Wilderness: seasonal weather and wild/bushy/wooded spaces.
Desert: arid weather, sparse or empty lifeforms, sandy/snowy spaces etc.
Plains: grassy/hilly/treeless country, changeable weather, flat/open spaces etc.
Jungle: dense/unruly/tangled spaces & moist weather.
Urban: bustling settlements, controlled climate & human artifacts.
Mountain: high peaks/low canyons, volcanic areas & formidable rock structures.
Your true home doesn't require you to relocate to feel at home.
But looking at the weather, temperature, types of nature, colors, lifeforms, artifacts etc. in at least 2-3 zones that engage you most- and bringing those decorative elements into your own home or life is a sure-fire way to encourage a greater sense of harmony, safety and beauty.
TRUE HEALTH indicates what it is within your life that best brings you into optimum physical health, balance & well-being in your body while interacting with your environment and community. There are 7 Diets for the body that could be your True Health, these are:
Feeding: nourishment via food/water/air.
Socializing: honesty, interaction/contact and intimacy.
Exercising: active mobility to improve/maintain physical health and wellness.
Sleeping: rest, dreaming and recharge/regeneration.
Entertaining: amusement/play, pleasure and fun performances.
Schooling/Learning: guidance & education in all forms.
Meditating/Calming: sustained focus, reflection and spiritual connection.
All of these categories are addressed, but your true health is represented by at least 2-3 of these categories that you notice most immediately affect and support your sense of health+healing.
TRUE WORK here, is a theme generated by creating a harmony with your sense of Spirit, Home and Health in your environment/community.