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The DAILY GUIDE functions on a day-to-day basis with a natural kind of EAGERNESS, WILLINGNESS and INTEREST toward the bettering of people and situations- as you tend to presume others naturally wish to EVOLVE and BE BETTER, and you're willing to help guide them.

You might even learn a sort of emotional sleight of hand that lends reputation to you as a provocative and inspiring helper, healer, counselor or facilitator- drawn to being "in the middle" of events to resolve the dramas, wounds and personal issues that those you meet through life bring up.

So you help create paths toward HIGHER MEANING, AWARENESS & GOODNESS in everyone you meet- and invite others to see the benefits of higher arts like science, spirituality, reality fulfillment etc.

But you also know how to do so in a way that recognizes & creates room for the validity of each person's inherent right to free will, and to grow and understand at a personal pace.
This Modus Operandi is of the Expansive Inspiration axis, and thus helps you to always search for and ask how meaning can be created from the experience at hand (Growth)- diving into the pursuits+relationships that you're guiding as a means of self-actualization (Passion)- and encouraging yourself+others to verify and stay open-minded about what could be possible, potential or probable (Spiritualism).

If this is +Compassion, then a fall into -Zeal means you become pushy and moralistic- passionately imposing and preaching your RIGHTEOUS STANCES as you interfere 
with others lives thinking you know what's right, best and most needed for them more than they do.

You tend to be drawn to the dramas around you as a way to help- but get so emphatic+strident you just create trickier and messier scenarios to the point of being accused by others of meddling or being a manipulative nuisance that's unable to let others be as they are.

So you are enraged that others can't see The Truth you do, you can't change their minds and they're falling short of their potential.
You then fall into general
Arrogance- heavy -Identification with your -Beliefs, Hope or Blind Faith- and feel 

-Confused, overwhelmed, desperate or angry/helpless when unable to effectively guide, or create meaning in your experience or relationship in a way that reflects growth+evolution in you or others.

There are 7 Variants of Daily Guides, each with their own unique mix of energies or undertones that draw them to take on different responsibilities in the community of life.

The Daily Guide with undertones of Server Energy, naturally draws you toward evolving a sense of KINDNESS.
This means you zealously or compassionately help guide everyone in your life to see, consider and express the value/meaning of nurturing every exchange, activity or relationship one takes part in.


The Daily Guide with undertones of Innovation Energy, naturally draws you toward refining, realizing and owning your sense of ASPIRATION for creating a better future using the resources around+within you.
So your responsibility is to breathe life into & give form to what you+others dream and envision is beautiful and meaningful- and this can be a slippery slope to climb.


The Daily Guide with undertones of Warrior Energy, naturally draws you toward the challenges of extracting a sense of meaning from tough experiences- urging you to draw from your COURAGE to bravely move through life, and help everyone get back on their own two feet to take more inspired/protective actions too.

The Daily Guide with undertones of Scholar Energy, naturally draws you into a space where you can see 

REFLECTIONS around you of everyone's state/sense of inspiration+meaning in life.

So your responsibility is to mirror and reveal how clearly you & others around you are taking in life- and to invite greater contemplation and thought to what theories or knowings provoke one's behaviors.

The Daily Guide with undertones of Narrator Energy, naturally draws you toward explaining how you+others are

shaping, expressing or imposing the meanings/messages you believe.
Thus you communicate and translate everyone's
 INTERPRETATIONS- hoping to create some common ground for those views to better comprehend and include each other.

The Daily Guide with undertones of pure Guide Energy, naturally draws you toward developing and sharing a sense of TRUST in yourself+others- a knowing based on either blind faith or past experience, that we are capable and will grow, evolve & be better because we always do.

The Daily Guide with undertones of Monarch Energy, naturally draws you toward inspiring and exemplifying your+others active and ongoing LIBERATION from any shackles of repression, oppression or suffering.
You're all about taking charge of the meaning everyone lets shape their life.

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