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The CORE GUIDE only manifests when there's a sense of long-ranging possibility to convey (Spiritualism)- a call to inspire greater evolution and transformation (Growth); and a feeling that you’re creating meaning in your relationship through what and with who you're inspiring (Passion).
When these criteria are satisfied, then your ESSENCE comes out and wants to 
Guide and Orient others to a more healing, inspiring and meaningful position of higher awareness in life.

You have 2 INPUTS, so this means when you shine there will always be a part of you focused on the task at hand (1)- while another is mindful of the higher good (2) that fuels your drive to do what's best for all & show everyone what possibilities exist beyond oneself.

Guides are life's Counselors, Priests/Priestesses, Beacons and Visionaries- so in your core, you're always perceiving and assessing how the meaning you inspire is being used by others for self-fulfillment. Though you do want that which you share to be used and seen accurately.

All this in mind, your life philosophy sees everyone/thing in the world as part of a Congregation/Flock you're invested in ultimately inspiring- and their growth+mission toward their greatest aspirations is important to you.

As Guides who own themselves extend and expose a sort of altruistic love to all of humanity, you tend to presume & note others naturally must love you as well. But when you're SURPRISED by Love, see someone EXPOSE their love to you & show their FACE, you suddenly know that love does exist.
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If you have chosen the Core Guide archetype, then you're the one that brings all parties involved in any relationship or community into the same meeting ground so that they may work out their issues for the sake of understanding each other, creating common ground and intimately reuniting through deep+messy healings.

Because of this you are like the group conscience, counselor and facilitator for imposing upon or inviting everyone to see what's ultimately good for justice, freedom and empowerment.
This means that as tough+nasty as things may get, you'd ultimately prefer the painfully honest & full disclosure of all the raw, ugly secrets and wounds people keep as a way to create greater emotional unity and love- over ignoring, circumventing and masking the truth with manipulative dishonesty just to get along.

Considering this affinity for healing, your soul comes into its own in the Astral Cycle.
This is when/
where we undergo a soul catharsis & emotionally reunite with everyone we loved and hated throughout the process of reincarnation- by working through all our wounds, secrets, issues etc. with them.
During this cycle, you're the one that runs these reunions then, and brings all souls into great resonance, harmony and deep intimacy- where we can truly perceive we're all part of the same stuff that is "life".

When in -ZEAL, you impose your higher good, vision or ideology upon yourself+others- seeking to recruit, proselytize and steer all people+parts towards aiming for that. 

While if ever you feel threatened for imposing those beliefs, expressions, spiritual crusades or prophetic visions, you can bristle up in defense, anger or hostility.
Zeal always closes your eyes to someone's suffering, as a way to compound and convince with righteous conviction that someone or something else's suffering as being more important- or as a way to distract from suffering all together and "turn a blind eye" in favor of a perfect world.

Rather than allowing the time+space to work through issues, you force people+parts to work together/get along because they MUST, which not only exhausts you, but feeds even more conflict & disagreement. 

And you can become so outraged, agitated or distracted in presuming every accident, bad choice, wrong turn etc. is equally meaningful that you flatten your sense of vision & are blinded by yourself all together.


To shift into +COMPASSION means remaining comfortable in your center when faced with defense, anger or hostility-and responding as best you can with patience, information, altruism, empathy & invitation to your truth/vision that you believe could help heal and transform your self, relationships or world. 

In doing so, you help create/find common ground for others when you see them struggling and suffering, or when you feel your own sense of spirit/vision is threatened & faltering.
Compassion doesn't impose or rush people along, but honors and allows room for everyone's need 
to grow and evolve through exposure, experience, education & dialogue at a personal pace.

This means you're able to discern what is central to the matter at hand & what truths are or aren't the most meaningful and effective to impart to bring about growth and understanding.
So you realize when you need to Detach and step back from taking too personally what you wish to guide or steer so that your inspiration can be more accurate and effective- and you differentiate when you are reflecting empathy from when you're simply projecting your visions.

The Great Lesson of the Core Guide lies in navigating life with true PERCEPTION and INTUITION.
The Conscious Guide realizes life is full of truths and each is valid in its own way- knowing how to pass through and navigate moments with this deep trust that we will get through & evolve from it- and
 feeling more than able to help lead others through any struggles and confusions too.

When disconnected however, you begin to enforce your concepts, ideas, rationales & over-analysis to the point of destroying life and misleading others to falsely validate your beliefs; creating profound LIES that even you believe are true- and seeking to only remain in a structured, thought-out & predetermined way or picture of life that no longer challenges trust.

This Guide is Arrogance, manifest- because you believe you must never be vulnerable to the truth.

To bring your intuitive essence into your days, it can help if you take time to communicate with what you deem your "higher self" & use/create a system of synchronicity, divination, inspirational affirmation or even a book of quotes as a message or thought for the day- lending insight and trust from some place beyond analysis.

Owning where you are Right Now, realizing you have a Choice in this moment & the next, and Asking for Help when struggling so you know you're not living in a vacuum will always help too.

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