Capable: +Compassionate Endurance and -Invisible Zeal.
This GUIDE has an amazing strength of emotional-intelligence, and will endure difficulties in his life & relationships because he can, and because he sees into the hearts & innocence of people around so that it's difficult to fault them for what's endured- even if he feels a need to express other feelings.
However, if this strength falters, he simply disappears, and has no effect on the world he lives/believes in.
Initiator: +Compassionate Exposure and -Instigating Zeal.
This GUIDE exposes others to foreign concepts+ideas, intending to inspire the highest inspirations and prompt the start of new directions. When this is misused though, he becomes a troublemaker, instigator and even antagonistic.
Boss: +Ambitious Compassion and -Righteous Zeal.
This GUIDE authentically knows what's best for you, and he's highly confident+ambitious in making sure everyone knows this too. But this may mean he becomes obsessed with being right, not helpful- and if he feels ignored, ineffective or even suggested of being wrong, it is literally painful.
Editor: +Compassionate Correction and -Tedious Zeal.
This GUIDE is quite good about seeing the details to be addressed and changed, and he will help himself and you rewrite any of your patterns/behaviors to do so.
But he may also fall into doing this out of routine, banality, boredom and apathy- and something, anything is needed to revitalize his sense of participation in life & the world.
Dignified: +Discreet Compassion and -Zealous Attachment.
This GUIDE embodies elegance and discretion in his expression & use of energy- being quite noble, refined, formal and greatly considerate. But he may also become deeply attached to his identity+appearance, and anything that represents these- to the point he falls into hoarding and collapse.
Absolutist: +Specialized Compassion and -Zealous Arrogance.
This GUIDE is very good and specialized in what he knows- able to remove himself from the trappings of life and keep a distance from anything not deemed of value. But he may just become profoundly arrogant, dismissive and develop superiority complexes of crippling shyness or vanity because of this.
Diplomat: +Compassionate Resolve and -Zealous Conflict.
This GUIDE can see all sides and will help to resolve conflict, find common ground and encourage strength in differences. But he may also find himself in constant conflict, recoiling from anything different/challenging and doing all he can to (falsely) keep the peace.
The PRIMAL GUIDE feels compelled to do WHAT'S BEST FOR EVERYONE.
This can lean you toward -Zealous acts of preaching, hostile attack and imposition in the name of alleviating or creating suffering you think will help all survive.
But over time, this strength becomes fueled by +Compassion- as expressed through your healing methods, or ability to inspire others of the possibility of greater physical security, and sources of sacred guidance in ways that sustain everyone's will to live and progress.
The ORDERLY GUIDE has helped your species survive to the point where you can build a world that is more ordered and accordant with collective ideals.
So you now funnel your compulsion to inspire the highest good into an acceptable, familiar and civil role where you can PREACH, SAVE and SALVAGE your whole society.
At first, this comes from blindly enforcing and proselytizing your faith in -Zeal- with no concern or awareness for how it is acted upon so long as you think it's the good/right thing to do & others abide by it.
Though over time, you learn how you can become less imposing & more of an empathetic counsel and +Compassionate authority that inspires everyone to align with your law/doctrine & raise their capacity for greater civility, order, balance and sacred devotion.
This balance between force and alliance is how you build confidence and learn you matter.
The INDIVIDUALIST GUIDE comes to realize that you have been sharing someone else's faith, when you could be spreading your own beliefs- and so you now seek to HAVE VISION.
You desire to save your world or lead it in a whole new direction that you see as better and more successful for you & that the masses can support you in creating.
Destiny then becomes so much more important, as you become drawn to any context/career that allows you access to affect, transform or give a message to the public community at large. And you will now indulge more in the benefits & power you receive from this place of mass orientation as well.
This first comes through using forms of order (like religion, law or conditions) to control others into serving your intentions- all while you dissuade and/or circumvent anyone's choices that don't match your -Zealous and clearly righteous visions.
So you aim to create a structured world of your making that can bow to your intentions, shape others into what you want of them & easily remove all possible threats to your absolute inspiration.
But you learn with growing +Compassion that your vision is best used to encourage all people toward greater achievement, accomplishment, success and self-transformation instead.
This means you now seek out any possible way you/others can: right the effects of harmful behaviors or consequences that have/do violate personal boundaries- salvage hope for equality, intimacy & unity- and recreate one's sense of meaning/happiness.
This often shows at first as a strong -Zealous need for recompense and justice- as you get caught up with trying to force others to get along at all costs & you project your visions for a more humanitarian world onto them to desperately get them to support you.
But once you shift into +Compassion, you begin to create bridges of forgiveness, see the best in everyone through any and all pain/harm & realign yourself+others with more integral visions and a greater awareness of where/how everyone involved can better grow, love and heal.
What matters is that you have a relationship with those you are inspiring, and that people/parts are no longer just faceless things who only exist to fulfill your vision & higher good- but are complex beings that have their own legitimate feelings, needs, fears and lives & are equal to you in every way.
You now gravitate to smaller more intimate circles rather than inspire en mass- because you realize that your visions have been used on larger scales for destruction+warring, rather than higher intentions.
It becomes an important priority and issue that your inspiration is not just consumed, set aside or taken the wrong way without your notice- but is accurately implemented & fulfilled by you and others with great awareness of what exactly is being done with that.
And this can lead you to become a meddling and micromanaging control freak- pushy for causes that you feel are important in -Zeal, and craving that those you influence have listened to your message & will somehow fulfill your higher vision for greater leaps in global, universal and spiritual evolution.
Or it can help you become highly intimate with each individual you inspire in +Compassion, as you learn how to invite rather than force them into alignment with their greatest good- realizing that you can only create a bridge for them to join you & must leave others to choose what's best for them for themselves.