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The 3rd aspect of Astrology are the Signs; these are the flavors or colors the houses and planets/subs take on.
If Planets are the WHAT, and Houses are the WHERE- then Signs are the HOW.
There are 12 Signs in total, which are split into 2 DUALITIES- Masculine/Active and Feminine/Passive: 

4 ELEMENTS- Fire, Earth, Air and Water: 3 QUALITIES- Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable: and 3 PLATFORMS- Personal, Social and Universal.
Fire+Air Signs are Masculine/Active in Energy- with Fire being about Inspiration, Origination, Identity and Will- and Air being about Expression, Conceptualization, Communication and Socialization.

While Earth+Water Signs are Feminine/Passive in Energy- with Earth being about Action, Materialization, Formation, Solidity and Structure- and Water being about Assimilation, Soul, Sensitivity, Fluidity and Feeling.

Cardinal Signs are dynamic and forceful initiators- while Fixed Signs are resistant and progressive maintainers- and Mutable Signs are dispersed and adaptive integrators.
Personal Signs focus on how life affects your vitality. Social Signs focus on the harmonious interactions between you and others. Universal Signs focus on your part in the larger picture & how that transforms.

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Aries ♈ is marked by purposeful and self-motivated activities aimed toward self-awareness and self-discovery- just as all new forms of consciousness are born like fiery sparks full of of energy and potential for growth.
Aries is represented by the RAM, which reflects our forthright urge to act on our instincts & rise up to be ourselves.

When distorted, this energy is -Willful and self-involved- as you feel drawn into hasty & confrontational battles that revolve around your right to freely "be you" & all that that entails/requires.

Aries is prone to quickly take defense & fight for their rights, instincts and perceptions at all costs- often ending in inappropriate action, reaction, and a hurtful, but often unintentional ignorance to others needs.

When authentic, this energy is +Pioneering and actively inspired- like an assertive voice/impulse that bursts forth from the ashes of what was, courageous in your struggle to discover what you can do, explore and be.

Ultimately, you always rise up with vitality, originality & innocent ambition because your creative spirit can strip away what's unnecessary and truly, purposefully lead your own life forward from that realization.


Taurus ♉ is marked by grounding, cultivating resources to build what you need & giving tangible/beautiful form to any creative impulses- just as the Earth serves as an immovable yet fertile womb for all evolving life.
Taurus is represented by the BULL, which reflects our need for stability, tangibility and things of worth/value.

When distorted, this energy is -Possessive, rigid and materialistic. So you hold onto things/people you're attached to, because you crave the stability and sanity they bring- turning everything you can grasp into objects that serve only to preserve, support & stimulate your physical/psychological needs.
When authentic, this energy is +Stable, resourceful, down-to-earth and attuned to the simple things in life that never falter, comfort and enrich you & make it worth living.

Taurus has the stamina & patience needed to cultivate abundance in whatever form you desire- be that your self, relationships, life, world etc. And it encourages you to be present in your body to enjoy your physical existence and savor life's sensuous and aesthetic pleasures.


Gemini ♊ is marked by connecting with others through information exchanges- all for the sake of learning, creating a solid sense of self, understanding how you fit into your surroundings and discussing what you're trying to create. This is just as Air freely moves through its environment, contacting all it encounters.
Gemini is represented by the TWINS, which reflects our inclination to categorize, divide and differentiate.

When distorted, this energy is -Scattered- as you constantly separate the concepts you see/feel/hear into disconnected labels, categories and dualities; such as morality, religion, gender identity, left brain vs right brain thinking, various paths to choose from, different parts that perform different functions, preferences, separate hobbies etc.

Ultimately then, you can get caught up in trying to restlessly keep these divided parts apart, so that they may never interact beyond the exclusive bubbles of reality you've limited them by- bring them together so that they may interact & learn from each other- or you might even just "flirt with" and "flutter around" them superficially, without getting to really know, learn from & integrate them.

When authentic, this energy is +Nimble, mentally perceptive, playful and versatile.

So you're able to quickly experience, understand, integrate and respond to the variables in any scenario by allowing for communication, connection and learning to occur between all those facets.

At the core of Gemini is the mental clarity & intelligence brought by consciously synthesizing disparate pieces into a meaningful whole that can function cohesively, be fully understood & skillfully shared.

Cancer ♋ is marked by creating an emotionally secure sanctuary to safely explore your feelings and roots- just as Water washes itself over and into everything to nourish, comfort and nurture.
Cancer is represented by the CRAB & TURTLE, which reflect our need for a home and safe space to feel.

When distorted, this energy is -Conditioned by others who immediately/intimately reflect and protect anchors of familiarity and constancy for you- as well as stuck in the self-protective shell you carry around to regress into, hide in & contain your beliefs and sensitivities when feeling threatened by scary/unfamiliar factors.

You have a strong instinct to let your feelings exist, so you might even be quite crabby, hysterical and emotionally manipulative as a way to defend & secure your sense of belonging.

When authentic, this energy is +Nurturing, tenderhearted and emotionally courageous to create a sense of home/family that reflects your personal ideas & ideals of sanctuary/belonging- always healing, cherishing and protecting self and others like a warm safety blanket.

Cancer's journey is to understand & constructively channel your feelings, rather than preserve others feelings about you in your heart, body and mind so that they define you, wear you down & insidiously control you.

Leo ♌ is marked by being bold and creative- expressing your self, spirit & talents in ways that warm, motivate & uplift. This is just as Fire will concentrate itself and burn bright as a source of fuel & dazzling wonder for all.
Leo is represented by the LION, which reflects our aim to create life, bask in it and proudly exude our being.

When distorted, this energy is -Self-Important- to the point of melodramatic & obnoxious self-absorption.
Even if your pride is damaged, or you have a timid nature, your self-centered ego still revolves around the attention, approval and recognition you get for your extreme fragility, self-pity and shame.

This is because you need to be seen and heard for the person you identify as/want to become & the things+people you have/want to create or allow into your life. But you self-consciously fear the value others see of these things & vainly defend your attachments from all threats- twisting your self-permission into egocentric perception.
When authentic, this energy is +Self-Realized- as you share your unique self & gifts from a place of pure and confident self-embodiment that truly fulfills your Ego, while also living out your Soul's desires.

This Leo includes but transcends the fears & defenses that divide them from fully living & loving life- looking beyond those to create a life that reflects the essence of who they are out of unadulterated love.

A grand yet generous presence then blooms from you- as you become aware of how attention, appreciation and affection can be given and shared between you & everyone else as support.


Virgo ♍ is marked by a rigorous self-analysis that is dedicated to improving your work and services- just as Earth constantly works to mold its molecules into the perfect & maturing structures of all life forms.
Virgo is represented by the VIRGIN, which reflects our need for self-development, perfect visions and purity.

When distorted, this energy is
-Damaging, as you interfere with your/others process toward wholeness by being too perfectionist or self-effacing- always feeling that you/others are terrible, worsening, ugly, ill etc.

You uphold a repressive and uptight composure+criticism towards yourself+everyone else that looks at everything flawed in life needing to be fixed, and constantly berates all who don't, won't or can't do enough about that- often to the point of ritual punishment, complaint, misery and self-defeat.

When authentic, this energy is more +Integrative, constructive and practical.
So this Virgo sees experiences of humility, imperfection and error as lessons to work with+upon- analyzing them closely & using them to encourage you toward honing your processes, crafts, duties and services to society.

In doing so, you synchronize your mind with your body & soul to create a holistic sense of health, order and co-ordination in whatever/however you do, think and feel.


Libra ♎ is marked by creating relationships that reflect beauty, harmony and peace- just as Air circulates in+out of all systems to create harmony, balance and homeostasis in each being.
Libra is represented by the SCALES, which reflects our need for balance, reflections, justice and equal relationships.

When distorted, this energy is
-Discordant as you're able to study so many perspectives at once, yet unable to reconcile their differences & choose how to best move the parts forward toward peace and balance.

As such, you then remain in a loop of opinionated or righteous judgement, paralysis, indecisive irresponsibility, approval-seeking or social manipulation just to settle things into a state that's fair enough for you- while avoiding or suppressing any symptoms of chaos, conflict & discord that could rock the boat as much as possible.

When authentic, this energy is +Harmonious, just, accommodating and persuasive through acts of social diplomacy. 

Thus this Libra is able to practice creating peace, grace, mutuality and equilibrium within the mess of relating, by addressing & healing the root cause of any karmic issues in your partnerships.


Scorpio ♏ is marked by transforming yourself through deep, probing & intense experiences of intimacy and surrender- just as deep dark pools of Water can conceal untold mysteries beneath the surface, yet to be exposed.
Scorpio is represented by the SCORPION & the PHOENIX, which reflects our transformation from dark into light- or how we rise out of death, shed our skin and feel reborn.

When distorted, this energy is -Degenerative- as you get locked into toxic & invasive patterns/experiences that you still hold onto, despite the fact that they've outgrown their use/value & are "killing you".
This can leave you desperately motivated by extreme, intense and highly obsessive or compulsive feelings about things & states that you contain/clot in your life, but need to change, renew and release. And you might even suppress your deepest desires by never bringing them up+out to share- and never letting others get too close to you.
When authentic, this energy is +Transformative- as you desire to dive into your messy wounds, patterns and habits through cycles of release, regeneration & renewal- probing the hidden depths of your psyche & life's mysteries+taboos to freely share whatever has been calmed/stored deep inside that needs a powerful catharsis.
In short, you get down to the bottom of your issues and strip away all falsity & resistance to expose the beautifully raw desires you feel so deeply- living from a passionately intimate and self-possessed state of being.


Sagittarius ♐ is marked by growing and understanding through flexible searching, adventure and philosophy- just as Fire directs itself with purpose to set aflame and enlighten all in its path.
Sagittarius is represented by the CENTAUR with a BOW+ARROW, which reflects how we manage the divide between our lower, more primal+mundane existence & our aim toward higher aspirations and spiritual wisdom.

When distorted, this energy is
-Self-Righteous, fanatical, preachy and irresponsible. As you exaggerate your beliefs, speak so directly and tactlessly you risk being harsh, blindly overdo everything you tackle, and let inner urges of temper, frenzy, forceful opposition and blind faith override self-discipline, mindfulness and foresight.

When authentic, this energy is +Aspiring toward greater meaning/wisdom as you search & seek with an independent, freedom-loving, candid and refreshingly open-minded perspective about life's horizons.

You assume the role of the world's bohemian on a path to spiritual discovery, expansion and universal truth in whatever you pursue- and you embody the wisdom you've learned from life to help you lead the way.


Capricorn ♑ is marked by bringing what's inside you into your public role or contribution- just as Earth constantly fuels the foundation of its mountainous terrain, building it up into something strong and long lasting.
Capricorn is represented by the SEA GOAT, which reflects our need to work towards something by climbing mountain tops (goat) & the spiritual, creative wisdom we gain through that journey (fish tail+connection to the sea).

When distorted, this energy is -Straining- as you're completely tunnel-visioned by a compulsive determination to reach the peak/pinnacle of an external status/success at all costs, and this urge to matter & contribute to something bigger than you is consuming, controlling, repressive and burdensome. 
When authentic, this energy is +Influential, ambitious, prudent and responsible. As Capricorn draws from the depths of your spiritual wisdom rather than the oppressive force you/others exert on you, and encourages you to discern what it is that truly motivates you- so that you may climb the right mountain.

With your masterful reach and focused power, you're fully & intrinsically motivated to realize your enterprising dreams and inner desires into the world. So you give form to what matters, rather than let that matter form you.


Aquarius ♒ is marked by sharing knowledge and ideals to liberate and progress all to a higher potential- just as Air collects into itself to create storms, movements, pressure systems and wind currents.
Aquarius is represented by the WATER BEARER, which reflects how we collect+contain all the ideas/wisdom we learn & then pour that out for everyone else to gain from their life-giving properties.

When distorted, this energy is -Impersonal, unintelligible, aloof and mental- creating distance from all that's irrational or invalid in your mind & that opposes your notions, ideologies, root assumptions and higher ideals.
The under-developed Aquarius is either wrapped up in personal truths- resorting to the thrill of being a shock for how weird/different you are & constantly rebelling to always stand out against the grain of society.

Or it gets wrapped-up in impersonal truths- mindlessly pushing group agendas & conformity that you deem matter more than the individuals within & are important to the good of all, but haven't truly integrated or questioned yourself.

When authentic, this energy is +Humanitarian, innovative, intuitive and progressive- as you grow your love, warmth and care for each unique being in the whole world AND notice their place in the collective picture.

Aquarius shares eclectic wisdom with others about how to best move forward toward collective leaps in evolution- especially as a way to reform stagnant or conformist values, be a real+bonafide free-spirit & reveal higher truths that can help build equality, progress and prosperity for all.


Pisces ♓ is marked by dissolving your ego to be a part of or at one with a greater whole- while also realizing you are a meaningfully vital force that sustains that whole through choice, imagination, creativity and soul reunion. 

This is just as each molecule of Water flows together to create the world's moving rivers, oceans and cycles through which all drops are connected in oneness.
Pisces is represented by FISH SWIMMING IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS that are CONNECTED by a cord, which reflects how seemingly disparate parts in life are never lost or separate & are always part of something bigger.

When distorted, this energy is -Elusive, impressionable, escapist and hyper-sensitive to influences from beyond you.

So you become lost in the illusions and disillusion of sacrifice, addictions, confusion, overwhelming energy or self-destruction as a way to feel falsely connected with something bigger- to the point that you disappear from the world, creating havoc, emptiness and suffering in your wake.
When authentic, this energy is
+Intuitive, fluid, magnetic and chameleon- as you emotionally merge & unite

with waves of spiritual/mystical, compassionate, creative or artistic devotions: seeking healing, surrender, closure and release into oneness with something bigger than you, rather than losing yourself in that.

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