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The 2nd aspect of Astrology are the Houses; these are represented as pieces of the Astro Chart, divided like a pie. There are 12 Houses in Astrology, each ruling a different, but specific part of your life. They are the STAGES your actors(planets) show up on.
Houses are divided in many ways, but there are 2 Common divisions:
Horizons and Quadrants
Horizons are represented by 2 Sections- the top half and bottom half of your Astro Chart. They show the amount of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS you likely have about your Subpersonalities.
Quadrants are represented by how your Astro Chart is divided into 4 sections. They are the CONTEXTS of your life- with any planets in each quadrant showing which subpersonalities+needs may be activated over time as you move through your Passages, or as you assess those contexts described by the quadrant.
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Any planets found Below the Horizon(On the Bottom Half- Houses 1-6) show unconscious and default subs that start more at the lower degrees/levels of their Need. These eventually either Dominate you or they Evolve with you.

Any planets found in the 1st Quadrant show subs that spring to life in the 1st Passage of Birth through the 2nd of Autonomy. They develop and spring up immediately as part of the core of you and require the most healing based on experiences you had as a child. (This Quadrant is Houses 1-3)
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The 1st House is how you EMERGE into life & choose to experience yourself, giving insights into very early imprinting and general life themes that may be affecting your day-to-day self-identity.

Any planets here show subs that revolve around inner imbalances & intense difficulties that you might let interfere with your ability to be yourself- thus it sheds insight into the state of your Mode when you're processing your own personal intentions for existence- which are then amplified & reflected back in your 7th House of relationships.

The 2nd House is how you use resources to support, protect and secure your Physical/Psychological sense of survival.

Any planets here show subs that revolve around how well you ESTABLISH your self-esteem, values and talents & how the state of those affects your body/life- as well as what you do to tend to your immediate NEEDS

This includes immediate needs for money, food, sex, help, dealing with death etc.

Everything that is established and secured here is then evolved and shared in your 8th House.

The 3rd House is how you develop a capacity to use your immediate interactions & feedback to navigate life.

Any planets here show subs that filter how you interpret your day-to-day life, while pointing to what you want to immediately work on, play with, study & rest in- as well as how you attend to your basic sense of health, home and spirit.
Thus it reflects the stream of thoughts you have that constantly fuel your Attitude.

These meaningful events and interactions you learn through your mundane existence are then added into grand philosophies of long-term, life-long meaning in your 9th House.


Any planets found in the 2nd Quadrant show subs that spring to life either Post-2nd Passage and through the 3rd of Independence; or they spring up when in the context of family, default/obvious relationships you have always had & when assessing contributions you have already made in life. (This Quadrant is Houses 4-6)
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The 4th House represents influences of IMPRINTING from your immediate or intimate circle.

Any planets here show subs that are deeply rooted around your home/family, sense of BELONGING and what you think/feel about yourself beneath the surface- which are then played out symbolically in your 10th House.

The 5th House shows what you do with your body, choices and support from others to FEEL ALIVE and MANIFEST who you are inside. Any planets here show subs that describe your challenges and strengths in developing or allowing this support & liveliness- which when fulfilled (or not), plays out publicly in your 11th House.
This House relates symbolically to our life-giving Sun- so it brings light to the whole you, and whether you are
CREATING your life from a place of Division, Fear and Defenses or Unity, Love and Essence.
Therefore, it can shed much insight into how you wake up to your Goal and sense of fulfillment in life.

The 6th House shows how you are inspired to SELF-IMPROVE & PERFECT your health, commitments, responsibilities and career/work into an ideal. Any planets here show subs affected by how you experience, manage and use your time & emotions as resources in this process of self-work and whole-hearted devotion.

Whatever comes out of this work is then expanded upon in the 12th House- where you inspire others of what you were inspired by, and heal any wounds that may have resulted or arisen from your efforts.


Any planets found Above the Horizon(On the Top Half- Houses 7-12) show obvious and conscious subs that often fulfill higher degrees/levels of their Need. These behave more Seamlessly with your Core.

Any planets found in the 3rd Quadrant show subs that spring to life either in the 4th Passage of Manifestation; or they spring up when in the context of chosen relationships, friendships, partnerships, long-term mates and when assessing your sense of identity in the world. (This Quadrant is Houses 7-9)

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The 7th House shows how you RELATE and interact with chosen partnerships & relationships- thus it sheds insight into the state of your Mode when around others.

Any Planets here show subs that arise when you project your fears/wishes upon, and resolve karma with others.

As such, this is where you see parts+aspects of yourself that you explored in your 1st House, REFLECTED back to you from others- which can be very beautiful, but also painful if you haven't realized/accepted those parts.
The 8th House shows how you INTIMATELY SHARE & use all of the resources, possessions, values and self-esteem you established in the 2nd House to fuel your Soul/Essence's ability to EVOLVE/GROW.

Any planets here show subs that are concerned with how you open up to new relationships and transformations & often seem to complicate/interfere with your ability to have greater DESIRES of pleasure or union.
This includes desires for money, food, sex, support, affection, surrender, profound change/rebirth etc.

The 9th House shows the personal philosophies, root assumptions and larger patterns of meaning/wisdom you develop 

from the events and interactions you gather in the 3rd House. And by extension, it also reveals how you navigate life & SEEK greater understanding/experience from those broad philosophical structures.

Any planets here show subs that affect how you interpret your entire existence, as part of the larger CONTEXT that is the world or universe you are a part of- shedding insight into the core of your Attitude.



Any planets found in the 4th Quadrant show subs that spring to life either in the 5th Passage of Recreation; or they spring up in the context of assessing your place in the bigger picture of the cosmos, humanity, the Earth etc. 

(This Quadrant is Houses 10-12)
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The 10th House represents influences of imprinting from outside your immediate/intimate circle- such as institutions and communities; which isn't limited just to how those impact you, but how you impact them too.

Any planets here then show subs that revolve around: the pursuit of truths+paths you find important from the symbolic influences of your family/upbringing/self-nurturing (aka. the 4th House)- your sense of and ideas for CONTRIBUTING to the world (in terms of a career or life purpose)- and how you choose to present yourself in society.

The 11th House shows how you interact with the world for fulfillment by getting involved with others- and how you use the support circle you developed or allowed in the 5th House, to work towards personal or shared experiences, projects and motivations. As such, it sheds much insight into how you actually fulfill your Goal.

Any planets here show subs that might arise around connecting with other groups & using your connections and support responsibly- and can be concerned with the process of UNITING, forming agreements and working collaboratively to fulfill any larger visions and projects.

The 12th House builds upon the wholeness of self-work you were inspired to do in the 6th House, by inspiring yourself & others to fully HEAL any of one's traumas that have held one back from fully being human.

Any planets here show subs affected by imbalances, ideals, wounding and/or life patterns you've taken on from past lives or others part of your current life- that you are openly exposing even if you seek to hide them, because you unconsciously wish to clarify, help, heal and love them.

Thus, this is where you work to allow yourself+others to just BE with & unconditionally love all parts of oneself/each other.

If a Quadrant or House is free of planets, that context is most likely free of subpersonality biases+influences.

This does not mean we won't have challenges in that area of life- only that it's less likely we feel divided by it, as we operate in it from our Core Personality.

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