ASPECTS- The Interactions
The 4th aspect of Astrology are the Aspects; these show the interactions subpersonalities have with one another.
There is a reason the Astro Chart is a Circle, this is because it is easy to map degrees and angles within it that show how close or far certain planets littered around that 360° Circle may be.
These angles can be harmonious or conflicting depending on the shapes they create and their traditional symbology.
The strongest and most popular aspects are the Conjunction, Opposition, Trine, Square and Sextile.
On an Astro Chart, Aspects are the weird jumbled mess of colored lines in the center of the circle.
A Conjunction ☌ describes an aspect where 2 Planets are about 0° apart- which is 360° divided by 1.
Planets in conjunction describe parts of you that behave so seamlessly they blend and fuse together. You can't really describe one without referencing the other.
This dynamic lends way for these subs to be quite combined in their focus and even intensely self-dramatizing.
It can be hard to notice the distinction between these subs- as they can become a self-perpetuated blind spot, and you might even assume others are the same as you in this way.
An Opposition ☍ describes an aspect where 2 Planets are about 180° apart- which is 360° divided by 2.
Planets in opposition describe parts of you in polarity or duality. This can lead to stressful tension & frustration that can only be resolved through some form of objective compromise. There is a tendency to seek out and gravitate to others in relationships to work out the tension this can bring.
You either bounce back and forth from one sub to the other, or learn to accept & give room to both aspects as parts of the whole that is YOU- drawing from their stimulation to energize and motivate yourself.
A Trine △ describes an aspect where 2 Planets are about 120° apart- which is 360° divided by 3.
Planets in a trine describe parts of you that complement and enrich one another. These subs get along easily, bringing
great opportunities and natural strengths & talents.
Though this harmony can be so unconscious & taken for granted that you not only can't see it, but don't even work on using and fulfilling its innate creative potential as constructively as you could.
A Square ▢ describes an aspect where 2 Planets are about 90° apart- which is 360° divided by 4.
Planets in a square describe parts of you that feel blocked, challenged & pressured by each other. Whereas an opposition feels unsure and unwavering, a square feels urgent and courageous.
These subs see and approach life for different purposes, needs and desires- and so they can delay your action and achievements and bring much agitation. It takes tremendous efforts and adjustments to realize a harmony between these aspects, but if done, the personal reward and stability gained is more than worth it.
A Sextile ⚹ describes an aspect where 2 Planets are about 60° apart- which is 360° divided by 6.
Planets in a sextile describe parts of you that are easy-going and free-flowing. These parts collaborate well and work together comfortably; though unlike a trine you tend to consciously notice, appreciate, draw from and work on the talents+strengths this aspect provides you, to help realize your goals.
Depending upon your Astro Chart, certain aspects will be sharper in terms of their angles. This is called an Orb in Astrology, it is the extent of Degrees two planets can be from one another and still be defined as an aspect.
A Conjunction can be within an orb of 8° from one another, while an Opposition can be within an orb of 8° from 180°.
A Trine can be within an orb of 6° from 120°, while a Square can be within an orb of 6° from 90°.
A Sextile can be within an orb of 4° from 60°.
Any further away the two planets are from this orb, the more its angle's qualities continually diminish. The closer the two planets are to the perfect angle, the more pronounced and impacting the interaction can be on your personality.
EXAMPLE- Neptune aspects with Mercury
Putting all this together means that if you say, have Neptune and Mercury conjunct, it's possible that your subs in need of Acceptance and Exchange are seamless. This could contribute to a person who dissolves their ego while sharing information- highly dreamy in your thinking and focused on the big picture in exchanges.
You'd be more likely to communicate all this through non-verbal, intuitive or spiritual means however.
To contrast this, if Neptune and Mercury were to be squared/opposing instead, this could cause tension between the part of you that wants Acceptance & affection, and the part of you that wants Exchange & profit.
These two parts of you might feel that catering to one opposes, ignores or blocks the fulfillment of the other, or both are looking at the same experience from different angles and desires. Your rational, analytical thinking and communication frustrate/are frustrated by your more intuitive visions & desires of acceptance and union.
And for completion's sake, Neptune and Mercury in a trine/sextile will likely find your Needs for Acceptance and Exchange support and uphold one another. Your spiritual/artistic bent geared for merging and intuiting is at one with your desire to listen and express. Your thinking accepts exchanges of truth and love to dissolve your ego, and is drawn to flow with activities that are very immersive for your soul.