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Community is your need to be with people for whatever reason. Those in higher need of this have stronger urges to touch and feel others, be tribal, socialize more, create a family etc.
-Indiscrimination, you seek contact just to avoid being alone- leading to shallowness and superficial social behavior. But when this dynamic is understood, the focus shifts to actively & consciously +Sharing space, time, feelings and interests instead.


7 DEGREES of Community. "Community experienced through..."
Level 1= Desperate Contact, longing, aching, pining and loneliness.Level 2= Intense Neediness by pushing yourself on others, ignoring all social cues & forcing others to tend to you- even through displaying narcissism.Level 3= Fraternizing. Bonding only with those who share in familiar experiences or history.
Level 4= Socializing by expanding beyond the comforts of familiarity.
Level 5= Mutual Closeness and kindness.Level 6= Intimacy/Communion through including everyone.Level 7= Creating Unity+Spiritual Resonance by fully embracing differences within or around as facets of a whole, not fractured from the whole.


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