Expansion is your need to always grow, build on, add on and see the bigger picture or plan. Those in higher need of this feel an urge to expand in a way that is tangible+evident on a physical level- such as at work or at home.
In -Cancer, there is simply appropriation, greediness, impatience and insatiability for the next stage. When you begin to see and create a sense of satisfaction with each stage of growth pursued, you can better see & feel true +Prosperity; with great gratitude for all that has, is and will be.
7 DEGREES of Expansion. "Expansion manifested in..."
Level 1= Physical Tumors/Cancerous Growth. This can show in a range from literal illness, to more figurative expansions of gangs+tribes. We expand without gaining any satisfaction. - Level 2= Random Accumulation. Mindless consumption, hoarding, and entropy in your space+body due to clutter. - Level 3= Sprawling and Territorial Expansion- your accumulations affect other people.
Level 4= Idea Stretching. Allowing challenges to/challenging your perceptions, concepts, notions & habits in ways that expand your awareness toward Realizations.
Level 5= Emotional Growth, Maturity & Inspiration by embracing the time to organize+process your experiences. - Level 6= Transformations/Transmutations by using experiences to make a difference. - Level 7= True Prosperity. Total Embrace of and Gratitude for "Being Here". You embrace meaning as the point of growth and experience, rather than attach it to all the "things" that helped you grow and expand.