Power is your need to have influence, exude confidence, invite responsibilities and have final decisions. Those in higher need of this love most to be in control and find themselves drawn to others in power positions.
In -Authoritarian, this manifests as being a tyrant, dictator or even abusive- pushing for blind obedience from yourself or others physically, emotionally or mentally. In +Authority, you become a teacher or person who leads with the best interests of all involved.
7 DEGREES of Power. "Power manifested in..."
Level 1= Crushing Opposition by destroying your designated enemy. - Level 2= Oppressing self/others by restricting choices+actions. - Level 3= Controlling self/others by using guilt, manipulation, regret, shame or rules.
Level 4= Guiding self/others by seeing and sharing solutions.
Level 5= Increasing Confidence by owning the results of your choices and moving on with that as information and further guidance. - Level 6= Building Spirit, Morale and Ethics by encouraging all to see the full impact of one's choices in all instances, in their own ways. - Level 7= Personal Spiritual Power+Compassion by allowing full permission to choose without fear of a "wrong" choice.