Acceptance is your need to be loved, nurtured, cared for, included and obviously well-received.
While everyone desires love and acceptance- those in higher need of this require symbols and expressions to gauge their position in other's lives, more than those needing less of this.
In -Manipulation, you are dishonest, manipulating and ingratiating as a means to avoid rejection. When this dynamic is understood, it shifts to one that creates more +Openness and invitation to everyone instead.
7 DEGREES of Acceptance. "Acceptance found in..."
Level 1= Ingratiation by groveling, apologizing and losing yourself to the expectations of another. - Level 2= Pleasing Others through Subservience; programmed only by the presumed or obvious expectations of others. - Level 3= Tolerance. Feigning acceptance while hiding prejudices.
Level 4= Conditional Love. Upholding acceptance based in the reciprocation of mutual benefit.
Level 5= Causal/Intentional Love. Recognizing the impact of your/others choices- by understanding the greater benefits of those choices that override any pain. - Level 6= Unconditional Love by allowing yourself and others to be as is. - Level 7= True Agape & Affection by fully empathizing with yourself/another.